First off, I want to say what a great experience it was working with Heather!! She is an excellent EFT practitioner for many different reasons, but I think my favorite characteristic of her is her intuitive abilities to go deeper to find limiting beliefs or core values. She is not afraid to ask questions, let her clients/me squirm until we find the answers and to bring the real issues to the forefront of the session.
In the four sessions we did a major limiting belief of, “I am not enough!” kept popping up. Sessions would not start off this way and would inevitably end with a topic surrounding this major limiting belief.
I believe the biggest aha was recognizing that there were some people in my life that would trigger me into the “I am not enough” program but the biggest person that triggered me with this program was me. What I mean by this is much of my verbiage, in my head and to or around others, showed up in many different styles that looked nothing relevant to “I am not enough”. Some of this verbiage presented as, “worn out, exhaustion, I have to hustle, being ignored, and I can’t do this anymore”.
Heather always seemed to bring our sessions back to this one major limiting belief and because we were able to recognize it and with her insights and knowledge was able to come up with set up statements and reminder phrases that would shift or get rid of the limiting belief every single time around the situation or person, and mainly me and how I looked at this belief.~Shawnee