Hello, I am Rev. Heather Sherrill. I am a non-denominational minister of Walking Prayer ordained through the Center for Sacred Studies and an Accredited Certified EFT Practitioner through EFT International. My extensive facilitation training has helped me to achieve many other certifications and qualifications including: Shamanic Reiki Practitioner, Advanced Law of Attraction Practitioner, SoulCollage ® Facilitator, and Transformation Meditation Teacher Certification.

I began my holistic journey many years ago as an avenue for personal healing and growth. I was in my mid- twenties when a medical doctor told me that my physical ailments were all in my head and that “I was fine”.  However, my body was screaming at me that there was certainly something unfavorable going on, so my journey began.

Over the years I have continued to allow my holistic transformational journey to grow and flow, and it continues today.  I am driven by an indescribable inner passion that stirs deep within my soul. This process and the growth that I have personally experienced has been so profound that I now seek to share my knowledge and experiences, to assist others along their unique healing transformational journey towards their own well-being.    

My intention during any session is to provide you with a safe space where you can tap into your own unique healing.  I offer guidance, compassion, support, and my strong intuition with the intention of helping you to live your best life in the present and to assist you in removing whatever energy blocks may be standing in the way of you doing so.

I have personally experienced a great deal of adversity, loss, and trauma in many areas throughout my life and I personally know these modalities and tools to be truly lifesaving!  Life takes us all through transformational times and trying situations sometimes, however it is possible to navigate them better with the support and assistance of a certified practitioner.

“I’ve always had an indescribable inner passion to help others become beautiful from the inside out. Becoming more in touch with their true authentic self….assisting with their own self-discovery and clarity.”

I am not a licensed mental health therapist. The services I provide do not involve the diagnosis or treatment of mental disorders or a substitute for other medical treatments.